Mission & Values
The Dreams of a Family Manufacturing Business
"Teamwork is the ability to work toward a common vision; the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." Andrew Carnegie
Our Mission
To Research, Develop and Share the Global Bio-Diversity
and Sustainability of Nature, for the next millennium and beyond.
To source, Create, Manufacture and Share the Best,
most Rewarding and Memorable Experiences with
all Natural Multi-Functional, Multi-Tasking and Multi-Cultural Products for your
Health, Wellness and Natural Beauty-
Health, Wellness and Natural Beauty-
from our Family to Yours-
Our Values
*Superior Product Quality, Competitively Priced*
*Customer Service at its best for creating Long Term Relationships*
*Employee Participation which Encourages Personal Growth*
*Respecting the Environment and Protecting our Natural Resources-
for Ourselves, Our Children, Our Neighbors and Future Generations*
for Ourselves, Our Children, Our Neighbors and Future Generations*
*Achieving a Triple Bottom Line like many Meaningful Company's today:
People, Planet, Profits*